Crane Man Basket OSHA Regulations
What is considered a crane-suspended man basket?
OSHA's 1926.1431 - Hoisting Personnel standard (in 1926 Subpart CC, Cranes & Derricks in Construction) details when and how personnel is allowed to be lifted by a crane. Lifting Technologies use this standard to fabricate platforms that meet OSHA's strict safety requirements in the platform's construction. As a user of a Lifting Technologies man basket, it also dictates the required testing and safe operation of the platform.
How do I know if my crane man basket is OSHA compliant?
An OSHA-compliant man basket must meet certain design and construction specifications. OSHA takes into consideration the overall design, weight load, and continued safety inspections.
- OSHA requires that all personnel baskets be designed by a qualified engineer.
- OSHA requires that work platforms be capable of supporting their own weight and five times the maximum intended load.
- The man basket must clearly indicate load-bearing capacity on the basket.
- Man baskets must be surrounded by a guard rail.
- All-access gates on the man basket should open inward and require safety latches.
- Before each use of a man basket, the work platform should be retested for safety.
These are just a few of the requirements for lifting personnel with a crane. For a complete list of platform construction and operational requirements, please refer to our Use and Safety Handbook or to OSHA's website.
Each and every Lifting Technologies crane suspended man basket meets and exceeds the requirements for OSHA safety standards. Also, our crane suspended work platforms come with our unique Test Weight system for quick and effective weight testing before use.