Each of our cranes suspended man baskets and material handling cages come equipped with our unique test weight system.
Lifting Technologies boasts a unique detachable test weight system that creates an easy and job site friendly method of testing our dependable product.
The Lifting Technologies test weight system was created in response to OSHA’s new crane personnel lifting rule – 29 CFR Part 1926.550(g), which stipulates that a trial lift/proof test is required each time a crane is moved to a new location. In 2010, this rule was revised again and adopted 29 CFR Part 1926-1431 and currently provides the standard to which we build our man baskets.
By means of simple easy-on/easy-off pins, our system provides an accurate 125% test load with the weight evenly distributed to the platform frame and floor, allowing you to conduct proof tests in a matter of minutes.
Each of our crane suspended man baskets comes equipped with our unique test weight system.
Ensure full OSHA Compliance with your man basket before every use with a dependable test weight system.
With OSHA's final ruling about proof testing before using a crane-suspended man basket, some construction sites may find valuable time being used upon less dependable and more labor-intensive testing methods. Lifting Technologies' Test Weight System comes with quick assembly and removal. You can be ready to work in as little as 20 minutes.