FAQs for Crane Suspended Man Baskets
If you have any questions about Lifting Technologies products, please review our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). If a question is not answered here, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. We'd be more than happy to answer any questions you may have!
No. OSHA only requires an overall rated load. LT uses 300 pounds per man. (One exception: Washington State OSHA requires rating to be 500 pounds for the first person and 250 pounds for each additional person.)
LT will design the basket to accommodate a higher rated capacity and furnish a larger test weight for the load testing.
Access gates are available on almost all models.
For compliance with OSHA 1926.1431, overhead protection is required ONLY when there is a danger of falling objects from above. This is an available option on any of our platforms. However, if you are required to comply with the OSHA 1926.800 "Underground Construction" code, overhead protection is required in addition to other safety features.
No. Our platforms are always sold on a turn-key basis, providing everything needed from the crane hook down.
No. Our platforms are sent out with the safety leg (commonly called the fifth leg on a four-leg sling assembly) for attachment to the crane’s load line above the overhaul ball. This is an additional safety feature that is put on our platforms that is not required by OSHA. In addition, some cranes are attaching the man basket to a traveling block that has no place to attach a safety leg without interfering with the traveling block movement. However, there is an exception to this being a non-required feature, as Washington state and Canada both still require a safety leg setup.
Lifting Technology's standard inner grab rail is compliant and tested as a personal safety harness anchorage point and is in compliance with OSHA's Part 1926.502, Subpart M. Additional dedicated anchorage points are an option as well.
Washington (WAC) is the only state that has adopted ASME B30.23 for its state code (WAC 296-155-54800). However, there are certain companies that have adopted ASME for internal compliance standards. It is possible to have your crane suspended personnel platform built to satisfy both OSHA and ASME standards. Normally, the addition of a solid floor to Lifting Technology's man basket is the only change required to meet the ASME standard as well.
FAQs for Forklift Work Platforms
OSHA simply requires a forklift platform to be secured to the truck in some fashion. We provide the Quick Claw system in addition to security chains for optimum safety.
OSHA's rule 1926.602(c)(1)(vi) refers to ANSI B56.1 for design criteria when lifting personnel. Lifting Technologies builds our forklift work platforms so they are in compliance with ANSI/ITSDF B56.1-2016.
FAQs for Material Only Baskets
No. Each platform pictured was designed and built to a specific customer's requirements.
OSHA does not have any standards specific to material platforms.
Although not specific to material platforms, ASME has some applicable standards for below the hook lifting devices and we manufacture our platforms to a minimum of 3 times the safety factory required by that code.
The capacity is determined by the customer’s lifting requirements
Platform dimensions can be specified as either inside dimension or outside dimension. Some customers require a certain size of material inside to be lifted, so they prefer to know the inside dimensions. Some customers have limits on how large their platform itself can be, so they prefer to specify outside dimensions.
Have additional questions? Get in touch.